Manage Multiple Plans

With aggregator-based workflow, you can use multiple Federated Learning plans (FL plan) for the same workspace. All FL plans are located in the WORKSPACE.FOLDER/plan/plans directory.

The following are the fx commands to manage your FL plans:

Create a New FL Plan

All workspaces begin with a default FL plan. See Create a Workspace on the Aggregator for details.

Save a New FL Plan

When you are working on an FL plan, you can save it for future use.

fx plan save -n NEW.PLAN.NAME

where NEW.PLAN.NAME is the new FL plan for your workspace. This command also combines switching to the NEW.PLAN.NAME plan.

Switch FL Plans

To switch to a different FL plan, run the following command from the workspace directory.

fx plan switch -n PLAN.NAME

where PLAN.NAME is the FL plan to which you want to switch.


If you have changed the plan.yaml file, you should save the FL plan before switching. Otherwise, any changes will be lost.

Remove FL Plans

To remove an FL plan, run the following command from the workspace directory.

fx plan remove -n PLAN.NAME

where PLAN.NAME is the FL plan you wish to remove.